Campus Card History Museum
Legacy Campus Card System Equipment Used On
College, University, Healthcare & Corporate Campuses
Card Readers
Card Production Equipment
Central Processing Units (CPUs)
1968 - 2000
Compiled by
Robert C. Huber, CMC, CPCM
Vendor Independent
Campus Card Business Consultants
"VALI-DINE II" Card Reader
Circa 1971 ● Griffin Technology Inc.
Description: The Meal Validation "VALI-DINE II" series pre-magnetic stripe technology card reader mechanically punched a hole in an ID card after it was read to signify a Meal Eaten. Mechanical counters visibly updated meal counts for foodservice managers with each punch read.
Source: John Darjany, Developer; Campus Card Industry Pioneer
"VALI-DINE" Data Storage Terminal (DST)
Circa 1975 ● Griffin Technology Inc.
Description: The Griffin Technology Data Storage Terminal (DST) magnetic stripe technology card reader was used to manage both Meal Plans and Food Points Plans. The internal tape transport system (cassette) was used for unit programming and card reader data backup in case of communications failure between the reader and the CPU.
Source: John Darjany, Developer & Campus Card Industry Pioneer
"VALI-DINE" Logging Card Reader LCR-4200
Circa 1986 ● Griffin Technology Inc.
Description: The Griffin Technology LCR-4200 Logging Card Reader magnetic stripe technology card reader was used to manage both Meal Plans and Food Points Plans. It replaced the previous Data Storage Terminal (DST) and its internal digital tape transport system (cassette) with new technology 3.5" floppy disk technology which provided increased data storage capacity and significantly faster data access.
Source: John Darjany, Developer; Campus Card Industry Pioneer
CBORD "ACT II" Card Reader
Circa 1982 ● The CBORD Group Inc.
Description: The first CBORD campus card reader which processed Meal Plans, Point Plans (debit), Credit Plans, and Patron Privileges simultaneously.
Source: Robert Huber, Campus Card Industry Pioneer
HARCO Model 33 Reader
Circa 1984 ● Harco Industries Inc.
Description: The first HARCO campus card reader which processed Meal Plans, Point Plans (debit), Credit Plans and Patron Privileges simultaneously. It was the first campus card industry reader to utilize "Bubble Memory" (non-volatile non-battery) which facilitated automatic storage and automatic uploading of up to 10,000 offline reader transcations once communications and/or power was restored.
Courtesy: Robert Huber, Co-Developer; Campus Card Industry Pioneer
HARCO MW-9300 POS/Reader/Register
Circa 1986 ● Harco Industries Inc.
Description: The first HARCO Point-of-Sale register/reader which processed Meal Plans, Point Plans, and Patron Privileges simultaneously. It was the first known POS reader with 154 "floating" keys (i.e., any PLU keys could be located in any configuration), utilized a sealed flat keyboard, and non-volatile (non-battery) memory which facilitated automatic storage and automatic uploading of up to 10,000 offline reader transcations once communications and/or power was restored.
Source: Robert Huber, Co-Developer; Campus Card Industry Pioneer
GRIFFIN "Identi-Proof" ID Card Camera
Circa 1968 ● Griffin Technology Inc.
Description: This high-volume ID card camera used Polaroid film and produced exceptional photo quality for this era.
Source: John Darjany, Campus Card Industry Pioneer
GRIFFIN "M-3 Encoder/Verifier"
Circa 1980 ● Griffin Technology Inc.
Description: One of the first portable magnetic stripe encoders used to manually encode all ID cards (i.e., typically entered into foodservice card systems manually and on an annual basis).
Source: John Darjany, Campus Card Industry Pioneer
GRIFFIN "Series/4" CPU
Circa 1977 ● Griffin Technology Inc.
Description: The Griffin Technology card system "Series/4" Central Processing Unit (CPU) expanded its traditional patron Meal Plan management to include new "Food Plan Points". This newer, but more low profile mainframe system technology, also opened the door to administering patron "Entitlements" beyond food service capabilities for non-residential students.
Source: John Darjany, Developer; Campus Card Industry Pioneer
GRIFFIN "Series/5" CPU
Circa 1989 ● Griffin Technology Inc.
Description: The Griffin Technology card system "Series/5" Central Processing Unit (CPU) achieved expanded capability to serve large campuses by employing multiple processors. The transacation processor, database processor, and master workstation all were interconnected via a local area network (LAN). A conversion utility enabled customers to migrate their "Series/4" databases to the "Series/5" with minimal effort. With the "Series/5" began the transition from serial communications to LAN connectivity for the card readers and other connected devices spread across campuses.
Source: John Darjany, Developer; Campus Card Industry Pioneer
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Vendor Independent
Campus Card Business Consultants