The Mindset List™
"They're an impatient generation ... learning how to be patient."
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Beloit College Releases
The Mindset List™
Class of 2020
Each August since 1998, Beloit College has released the Beloit College Mindset List™, providing a look at the cultural touchstones that shape the lives of students entering college this fall."
"Get ready for the ... RIGHT NOW generation."
"This Fall's entering colleges students, the Class of 2020, were born in 1998 and cannot remember a time when they had to wait for anything."
"In their lifetimes they have always had eBay and iMacs, and India and Pakistan have always had the bomb. The Sopranos and SpongeBob SquarePants have always been part of popular culture. Gretsky and Elway have always been retired, and Vladimir Putin has always been in charge in the Kremlin. They also can't recall a time when the United States was not at war, or when someone named Bush or Clinton was not running for office."
"And although they think of themselves as a powerful generation - Sanders voters, consumers - they are faced with the prospect of student loan debt and of robots and foreigners taking their jobs making them feel anxious and weak."
"They're an impatient generation learning how to be patient."
"They know that they're going to have to wait for that first breakthrough job and getting their school loans paid off."
"The Beloit College Mindset List, which this year is as old as the entering students themselves, is created by Ron Nief, Director Emeritus of Beloit College Public Affairs; Tom McBride, Professor Emeritus of English; and Charles Westerberg, Brannon-Ballard Professor of Sociology."
© Beloit College
The "Mindset List" is a registered trademark
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